About the Journal

Focus and Scope

NUBE  is a new critical resource devoted to contemporary literatures, with special reference to cultural phenomena and to their links with the processes of identitary re-definition and hybridization which have involved Europe from the early 1990s. The journal NUBE develops in the frame of the research group bearing the same name (NUBE, Nuova Biblioteca Europea, ‘New European Library”), born in 2018 out of an agreement among departments from the universities of Verona (DiLLS), Padua (DiSLL) and Bologna (LILEC).

NUBE is meant to be an instrument for the discovery of our contemporariness through the investigation of new generations of writers, of emerging literary cases, of current literary debates. Literature participates in its own voice in the debates of every age by reflecting dynamics and shaping contents, in its turn. However, the contamination with historical, social and cultural developments appears to be more pronounced in the contemporary literary production. Here the traditional distinction between “high” and “low” literature is radically questioned, in favour of a mixture of genres, styles and methods which makes literature an inescapable element in the debate on contemporariness. NUBE aims to carry on investigations from this perspective, by linking a rigorous textual analysis with militant interest in contemporaneity.  

NUBE sees the sensibilities and languages of literature as transnational phenomena that go beyond ideologies and forms of ethnocentrism and are able to establish social and communal solidarity. By Europe we do not mean an economic and political community, but an idea of culture that is extended beyond the boundaries of bureaucracy. The mediating and unifying potentials of the artistic medium neutralize national and supernational barriers and require a comparative perspective in the investigation of contemporaneity and its literary expressions: a wide analytical glance, open to the multiple cultural dynamics of the global world.

NUBE intends to be a crossroads of comparison and integration among different theoretical approaches and disciplines. We hope that a complex and articulate picture of different European realities can be sketched out of these multifarious perspectives, with a view to understanding and emphasizing common tendencies, points of connection and diversities.

Peer Review Process

Contributions to the journal are submitted to a double-blind peer review process. Two anonymous referees are selected among international experts, on the basis of their specific competence and research field. When submitting their contributions, authors accept and agree with the double-blind peer review process. In the event of two clearly conflicting referees, the text will be submitted to a third reading. The editorial board guarantees an evaluation of submitted articles, be they accepted for publication or not, within two months from reception.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. It releases its articles under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Creative Commons License

Authors retain all rights, including the right to republish the article citing the first source of publication.

Publication Frequency

This journal is yearly published. Each new number is issued in December.

Code of Conduct

The following code of conduct is inspired and based on the COPE Code of Conduct: http://publicationethics.org/files/Code_of_conduct_for_journal_editors.pdf

NuBE is a peer-review journal and follows the model of conduct mentioned above during the whole editorial process for the publication of scientific articles. All figures involved in the editorial process – authors, editors, reviewers and external editors – are acquainted with the ethical standards required and conform to them.


Duties of the Editorial Board and of the International Scientific Commite:

The Editorial Board adopts every reasonable measure to ensure the high quality of each material published in Historias Fingidas.

The Editorial Board has the duty to act if there is the suspect of misconducts or in the cases in which an abuse from the authors has been detected. This duty is extended to published and not yet published documents.

The Editorial Board and the International Scientific Committee state that articles are accepted or declined for the publication on the basis of the relevance of the subject and its originality. Editors are guided in this evaluation by two external peer-reviewers highly qualified on that matter.

The Editorial Board grants an appropriate selection of the peer-reviewers. The Editorial Board, furthermore, will make any effort to ensure that the review process will be equal, impartial and quickly as possible. The description of the editorial process is constantly descripted and updated, so the Editorial Board will be willing to justify any clear deviation from the process outlined.

The Editorial Board and the International Scientific Committee will evaluate each manuscript basing their evaluation on the intellectual content of articles, regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, citizenship or politics of the authors.

The decision of the Editorial Board complies with legal provisions on defamation, copyright violation and plagiarism. The journal provides guidelines for authors to ensure the accuracy, completeness and transparency of contributions submitted, even in technical editing and the usage of specific guidelines and control lists.

The Editorial Board follows a protocol which ensures the confidentiality of materials sent to the journal during the evaluation process. The confidentiality of personal information, research and professional information of authors is maintained during the whole review process.

The Editorial Board will adopt every reasonable measure to certify that articles to be published in open access format and freely available to everyone. The permanent identification by a DOI will ensure the constant monitoring and preservation of articles in the long-term.


Duties of Authors:

Authors are responsible for the articles they submit: therefore, they have the duty to ensure the originality of their works and be conscious about the consequences of misconduct. Authors always have to declare their sources and give details about citations of other publications that shaped their work.

Authors, in relation to article submission, are invited to submit “raw data” for editorial review, and must preserve that data for a reasonable timespan to ensure the access to that data.

Authors are invited to follow the Authors' Guidelines, granting in that way the accuracy, completeness and transparency of articles, including technical and editorial standards.


Duties of Reviewers:

To reviewers are given all important instructions about their tasks and the necessity of manage submitted materials in a confidential way. Reviewers are required to communicate any potential conflict of interest before accepting to examine submitted materials. They are invited to discuss the originality of any contribution and be alert to redundant publications or plagiarism. They must warn the Editorial Board in any matter of intellectual property and plagiarism, or prevent any potential violation of intellectual property statute. Finally, they are supposed to help in the identification of relevant publications that are not cited by authors.


The editorial policies and the code of conduct of the journal will be periodically revised, especially for new recommendations coming from the COPE Consortium.

Indexing and abstracting

The Journal is indexed in the following databases:


ACNP Catalogo Italiano dei Periodici



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Publication Fees

This journal does not charge authors any submission or article processing charges.